Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Moveable Feast: A Food Truck Party In The South Bay

Moveable Feast, San Jose, Willow Glen. Image: Samantha Elise

Maybe some of you have read Ernest Hemingway's, A Moveable Feast, or have at least heard a reference to it in Woody Allen's film, Midnight in Paris. It's Hemingway's sorta memoir, sorta novel of his youthful days living in Paris that are full of despair, humor and courage of becoming a writer. I think back to when I read his book (a bajillion years ago) and remember the way he describes stories of each significant person in his bohemian lifestyle and how they touched him in some way - neurosis or not. And, in some way influenced who he became. It's a pretty magical read and there's no need to explain why it's a classic.

Ah, I need to read that book again.

"As I ate the oysters with their strong taste of the sea and their faint metallic taste that the cold white wine washed away, leaving only the sea taste and the succulent texture, and as I drank their cold liquid from each shell and washed it down with the crisp taste of the wine, I lost the empty feeling and began to be happy and to make plans."

Now I want some Tomales Bay oysters and a glass of bubbles. 

But I'm not here to talk about those. Well, not quite yet. I'm here to talk about a neat little food truck party I found in San Jose called, "Moveable Feast". It's basically gourmet comfort meets soul food meets steamed pork buns meets asian fusion meets with salted caramel cupcakes. Phew.

The Menu on Chairman Bao Food Truck. Image: Samantha Elise

Tonight was a cold night and I was surprised we didn't get the downpour I kept hearing about in San Francisco. Oh well, I'm sure it will come. I think because of the threat of rain on the horizon, it made the outcome of people looking to eat significantly smaller. I'm interested to see what it will be like in the summer!

They had little orange upside-down buckets outside in the parking lot with little fires going in metal teepees, while the food trucks were circled perfectly around it all like a hug. People brought their kids. Friends came in large groups to enjoy the smorgasbord of foods before them.

There was even a couple with their own table and romantic lighting. Note: he even bought her a flower. Good work, dear sir.

Sweeties dining at Moveable Feast, San Jose, Willow Glen. Image: Samantha Elise

My first stop was inevitable. The Chairman steamed buns. I used to see their food truck parked in the Tenderloin all the time. Oh thee days when I would scurry to work trying to avoid being hassled by hecklers, I would hope that by chance The Chairman bun truck would actually be open. I thought, "I can always stop for a bun." Alas, it was never open; just parked. What bun teasers.

Spicy chicken with toasted sesame puree, pickled carrots-cucumber and cilantro.
Image: Samantha Elise

I wasn't alone for this adventure so one little steamed bun would not suffice to our curious appetites. We came across a truck called MoBowl and they had a menu of items that are served over rice and some various sides to try, too.

Menu at MoBowl. Image: Samantha Elise

We both looked at each other and knew we were going for the 5 spice pulled pork.

5 spice pulled pork with roasted red pepper aioli and garlic-sesame noodles. MoBowl, San Jose, Willow Glen.          
Image: Samantha Elise

The lovely gentleman at the window of the truck asked if we wanted to upgrade to garlic sesame noodles for an $1. Way to get an easy buck!

Then came Fairycakes. I've been wanting to try their cupcakes for a bit now since my big cupcake hunt of 2013. This hunt got so bad that I just broke down and baked a chocolate cake.
 I know. It's only February.

 Of course I will always love Kara's Cupcakes, but I had to see what this fairy was all about.

The window of cupcakes at Fairycakes. They also offer free milk to those who buy their cupcakes.

We picked up a carrot cake, boston cream pie and a salted caramel cupcake. All were enjoyed and shared. 50/50. Promise. Scouts honor.

Fairycakes finally caught. Image: Samantha Elise

It was a neat little food truck party and I'll definitely come again to see what other coaches show up with some goodies. Some trucks take credit cards, but I would play it safe and bring cash - and for tips.

Moveable Feast offer Dinner on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 5-9 in various locations in the South Bay. They also offer lunch on Tuesday and Saturday from 11/11:30pm-2pm at various locations in the South Bay. Check their website for exact locations, dates and list of food trucks.

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